
Aluminium foil

The churches work together to collect foil, which is taken to the Queen Elizabeth II Activity Centre in Manor Farm Country Park - they sell the foil for recycling, and raise money for equipment. Foil is collected in various churches, and there are publicly-available bins at the Palmerston Avenue car park in central Fareham, and at Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic church in Stubbington.

Please make sure that the foil is clean, and is actually foil not shiny plastic! If in doubt, use the 'scrunch' test - scrunch it in your hand and release it, if it stays scrunched it is probably aluminium, if it doesn't it definitely isn't.

Other things

Various churches in Fareham provide recycling facilities for items that are not recycled by the council. Below are some details of which we have been notified.

Fareham United Reformed Church

St John's

Used stamps, coins, spectacles, hearing aids, mobile phones, ink cartridges, aluminum foil, milk bottle tops. See the church's recycling page for more details.

Fareham Methodist Church - Terracycle

There is a blue Terracycle bin outside the church, in which a variety of items can be placed. For details of what is accepted, please see here. Note that although the individual programmes are sponsored by particular brands, all brands of the relevant packaging type are accepted.